At Junk Queen, we do everything in our power to keep household items out of our local landfills. Our unique process means that every item we pick up is given a second chance with another user. We’re committed to being the number one eco-friendly junk removal and pickup service in the area. Our priority is to help you rid yourself of unwanted items while giving back to the community. Here’s how we do that: After picking up those household items that meet or exceed our standards, we determine which items would be best distributed to area thrift and second-hand stores such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army. If we feel that the quality of the items is high enough, we do the work to resell them at reasonable prices. Part of the proceeds will be earmarked to help support nonprofits. We find that our financial donations generally exceed those of the thrift stores and nonprofits, and also allow us to distribute the funds to a wider base of organizations.
If we see potential within an item that is just not appropriate for thrift stores or resale, we give it away. Many under served families can use the clothes, personal goods, household items, furniture, and appliances the thrift stores don’t want. Being both eco-friendly and community-driven, we work to meet the needs of customers, partners, buyers, and citizens equally. Discover the difference by scheduling your donation pickup today.

What are we allow for the donation
- Vehicles
- Clothing, shoes and boots
- Jewelry
- Hats, gloves, mittens and scarves
- Books, records, compact disks, video tapes and DVDs
- Games, toys and sports equipment
- Housewares: dishes, glassware, kitchen utensils, lamps and small appliances
- Small furniture
- Collectibles, antiques, knickknacks and other giftware
- Hand tools and small power tools
- Domestics: linens, curtains, blankets, etc.
- Electronics: Stereos, radios, VCRs, DVD players, etc.
- Furniture: dressers, tables, sofas, bed frames, (except waterbed frames) etc.
- Flat screen TVs (we only accept flat screen TVs, no CRTs)